IBA Group Releases New Version of IAS Navigator

We are excited to announce that IBA Group has released the new version of IAS Navigator 1.2 with faster, more effective navigation and accelerated search of items and their descriptions based on the graphical presentation of the assembly structure. With the new version of IAS Navigator 1.2 a new functionality was added that allows to highlight all active areas related to the selected element when hovering over an active area. It is possible if the drawing is provided for displaying overlapping elements.

IBM Validates IBA Group’s IAS Navigator

In August 2014, IBA Group successfully completed the Ready for IBM Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure software validation for IAS Navigator for IBM Maximo. Based on the native IBM Maximo platform, the Item Assembly Structure (IAS) Navigator is an IBA solution designed for navigation and accelerated search of items and their descriptions based on the graphical presentation of the assembly structure. The technical validation Ready for Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure (formerly Ready for IBM Tivoli) was conducted by IBM. IBA Group received a special IBM mark that demonstrates compatibilit...