Maximo starting with version 7.5 allows customizations using scripting languages. This possibility significantly speed-ups deployment process, since no Maximo restart needed. Although the documentation limits the cases where automation scripts can be used with a several types of launch points, in fact you may invoke an automation script from any place of your business logic. In this article I’ll show you how to use a single automation script to generate assignments for all task nodes within a workflow process. This approach has the following advantages:
You need only one custom role per w...
Using Java to start/stop workflow in Maximo
Sometimes you may need to start a workflow automatically but the standard functionality of escalation is not satisfying the needs of business logic.
For such situations you can use a cron task to search the records and system service WorkFlowService to start a workflow.
For instance, we need to start a workflow (process name PMWF) for periodical maintenance record (custom mbo PMCUST) when there comes a time specified in PLANNEDYEAR, PLANNEDWEEK attributes.
Here is an example of the cron task:
If you need to stop a workflow in java code, first you should get the workflow instance.