Alternative way of generating reports in IBM Maximo using JavaScript

By default, IBM Maximo comes with several reporting tools: BIRT, Cognos Reporting, and Query Based Reports (Ad Hoc). The platform allows you to integrate external reporting systems, such as: Hyperion, Information Builders, SAS, Oracle BI and many others. We have already covered in our previous article how to extend the standard functionality of the IBM Maximo system (Ad Hoc) and allow users to download data from tables with a given set of attributes in Excel. In this article will talk about an alternative way of generating Excel reports in IBM Maximo. Standard reporting systems have a numbe...

Export to Excel from UI table with customized set of attributes

Basic Maximo functionality of downloading UI table content allows to export only the attributes displayed on the interface as table columns. Sometimes it may be necessary to export data with additional attributes that may belong either to the table MBO or to related MBO's. For example, we want to export related work orders from Service Request application. If you export data via the “Download” link, the output xls file will contain only fields that are displayed in the table as columns: - Work Order - Description - Class - Status - Relationship The problem is that there is no...

Adding new item to the Maximo Application Designer palette

In the previous article, I explained how to create a custom progress bar control for IBM Maximo using the magic of the Twitter Bootstrap framework. Within the framework of this article, you will learn how to add custom controls to the Application Designer palette. Creating an MBO object for temporary storage of control properties Each control that is present in the Application Designer palette has a number of properties that can be changed by the developer after adding the control to the workspace of the Application Designer. In order to define a dialog which will be used to specify control'...

Creating custom progress bar control for IBM Maximo using the Twitter Bootstrap framework

In this tutorial I will show how to create custom components and controls for IBM Maximo system. The presentation XML of any application consists of tag elements which are controls. The control is an object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values. The control is based on one or more components linked together. In other words, the component is part of the control. At the beginning of this article I'll tell you how to register new components and controls, which files to modify and then we go through the steps of creating progress ba...